Speak Life

Our words are extremely important. With words, you can bless or curse God, bless men or curse men. The book of James says, “With the tongue we praise our Lord and Father, and with it we curse men, who have been made in God’s likeness” (James 3:9 NIV). Jesus said, “Not what goes into the mouth defiles a man; but what comes out of the mouth, this defiles a man” (Matthew 15:11 NKJV). 

It’s challenging to be around someone who constantly says cutting remarks, is negative, and is gossipy. You have the power to create boundaries with such people; better yet, you can be a Christlike example for them. Once you realize the person you are speaking with, no matter who it may be, is an image bearer of God who deserves respect, it changes your tone and words. 

Early on in my ministry, I decided I would adopt the practice of speaking encouraging, uplifting words to others. I called it “Speaking Life.” Over the years, I’ve learned that speaking life not only encourages those you communicate with but also bolsters a positive perception in your mind toward them, creating more significant and lasting relationships. Speaking life over family and friends is an excellent relational investment, yielding returns of affirmation and love.

Who can you invest in today by speaking life?

About slennertz

Dr. Steven Lennertz is the Founder and Lead Pastor of Eagle Ridge Church in Menifee, California. Steve accepted Christ as his Savior and Lord in 1975 during what is known as the "Jesus Movement" at a Saturday night concert at Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa. As a young man, Steve worked in cabinet shops and later obtained a Contractor’s License. He owned one of the Inland Empire’s premier cabinet shops for over twelve years. It was during this time Steve sensed God calling him into full-time ministry. He surrendered to God’s leading to plant a church in Menifee in 1994. Steve has a passion for life and for helping others find their purpose. His in-depth teaching from God’s Word equips people to effectively follow Jesus Christ. In addition to shepherding the flock at Eagle Ridge, Steve had served as a Chaplain for the Riverside County Sheriff’s Department and is now devoting all his energies at Eagle Ridge. Steve earned a Bachelor’s Degree from California Baptist University, a Master of Arts in Theology with a concentration in Pastoral Ministry from Fuller Theological Seminary, and a Doctor of Ministry Degree from Gateway Seminary in December 2017. Pastor Steve is a native Californian, married for over 40 years to Kathryn, who is also a graduate of CBU with a Bachelor's and a Master's in Education. Steve and his wife enjoy spending time with their family. They have a daughter and two sons and are especially blessed with nine grandchildren. You can email Steve at steve@eagleridge.church View all posts by slennertz

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